Tuesday, September 21, 2010


On our way from jerusalem, we expected to just drive to Eilat, straight 4 hours, give or take a few bathroom stops, but since we are obligated to do hikes and adventurous things, we followed through halfway through our bus journey we stopped near Dead Sea we stopped for an hour hike through the mountains and springs, getting our shoes very waterlogged, after we continued our journey to Eilat. On the second leg of the journey we stopped at some sand dunes where we frolicked and jumped off, slid down and ran and skipped and all sorts of entertaining nonsense that could be pertaining to the descent of a sand dune. After our frolicking adventure at the sand dunes we arrived in Eilat a couple of hours later at the hotel, got settled in and then headed to our night activity, beach bonfire. It was pretty great, reminded me a little bit of the beaches at home and my friends played the saxophone, he was definitely one of the evening's highlights. After the bonfire we went out to check out Eilat's night scene, checked out a beach bar and then almost got lost trying to find the hotel. The next day started early with a trip to the red canyon for a hike, I wasn't allowed to go because I was ill-prepared, but I got to hang out with the bus drivers and watch israeli standup comedy, and play solitaire. Later that day the girls and boys separated for water-sports, the girls started with snorkeling at the beach, where the water is unbelievably clear and the reefs are quite beautiful, second activity was kayaking, paddle boarding and my favorite tubing. Tubing always brings back memories of lake vacations with family, but Israel made it even more special, it was a totally great adrenaline rush, me and my madrich got knocked off the tube and it flipped so we got chucked off pretty far but it was a total blast. We were free that evening to go explore Eilat some more, we went to check out a crazy bungee ride called the Slingshot and went back to the hotel to play cards and hang out before sleeping. On our last day before we travelled back to Jerusalem, we went to the Eilat aquarium where we saw awesome animals, like an anaconda and huge sea turtles, also they have a really cool underwater observatory where they have plexiglass windows and you can look at fish in the ocean underwater, it was really cool to look at the fish that I didn't realize were common in the coral reefs of Israel. After we went to an agricultural kibbutz that works on many ecological and green projects that build houses from inorganic materials, straw bales and mud plaster, it was very interesting. We continued back to jerusalem with only one bathroom break and lots of napping on my seat buddy.

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