Sunday, October 31, 2010

Last week of Machon

This week was the last week of Machon or Leadership Institute for our group before we split to go to Yeshiva and Midrasha. We had the last classes of most of our tracks, as well as a seminar about the Kibbutz Movement. All in all a pretty average week except coming up to Tuesday when, me and three other people from Lehava were invited by our program leaders to represent Bnei Akiva at the Knesset, in a afternoon listening to the Knesset speaker and Education minister about the importance of youth movements in the future of Israel. I was really honored to be chosen amongst the four to represent the movement. On Wednesday, we had a fun day that including ATVing in Jerusalem and of coursing packing up at Beit Yehuda for the last time. After that we spent a couple of hours volunteering at an absorption center for Ethiopian immigrants to Israel where they learn about society and how to live in a more developed place, using money, learning Hebrew and other things such as that. I found it very heartwarming to see the appreciation of all the children for our visit and the gifts we made for their families as well, I now understand what my stepmom was referring to, what it truly means to appreciate everything that's given to you. After volunteering, we had a closing seminar from our Rosh Machon about the importance of what we learned on Machon and really how it applies to our leadership in the future. We then went to a restaurant for a special last night of Machon dinner that included speeches from some avid Machon students and some impressions of the memorable characters in Machon.


  1. I would love you to expand on your visit to the kinesset, were you able to ask questions, and meet any of the party leaders. Very exciting day, Zaida would have been so proud to hear all about your time. He was often invited to the kenesset.
