Thursday, October 21, 2010

Aliyahs,Midrasha and Yitzhak Rabin

This week was themed around the mitzvah of Aliyah as well as the minorities of Israeli society that were caused by this mitzvah. On this week's Israeli film night we watched a fantastic movie called Live and become which told an amazing story about an Ethiopian boy who gets passed off by his Christian mother as a Jew by giving him to a Jewish woman who lost her son that morning, his mother did this during the time of Operation Moses to save him. The movie tells the story of his life and how he deals with racism and keeping his big secret in Israel, as well as his adoption, bar mitzvah and marriage. I highly recommend it but I warn that it has a very strange ending which was quite unnerving. Besides the interesting movie we learnt about minorities in Israel and met people who made Aliyah and how the process was and what their challenges/regrets have been since their Aliyah. We had our normal tracks in the week as well, sometimes a waste of time otherwise can be interesting. Wednesday was special because of Yitzhak Rabin's memorial service at Har Herzl, where we heard the Prime Minister and Simon Peres speak about Rabin's memory. On Thursday, we went to the Yitzhak Rabin Museum in Tel Aviv which was very interesting but I definitely would've liked it more if it had been earlier in the day. As well as the man activities and many opportunities pertaining to Yitzhak Rabin's memory, we also had some light shed onto the next section of our program, Midrasha. I have new found excitement with the information about our schedule and activities in Midrasha that have made it more appealing to me, I'm now kind of excited more so than I was before.

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